Executive coaching has a significant impact on the performance and value(s) for individuals and for organisational success.
Assessment tools as an option
For Executive coaching the coach can use psychological profiling to help the client make sense of their situation. We also use a range of psychometric tools for starting development and for building deeper insight. The core tools we use are 16pf, MBTI step I, TKI and then FIRO-B and MBTI step II for gaining deeper self awareness and insight of self and others.
All of the psychometric tools can be used for self awareness and development in the 1:1 coaching environment, building relationships with colleagues and or for team development and coaching. These coaching aids can also provide cross cultural platforms for multicultural teams and groups.
Psychometric tools and profiling tools for traits and preferences can also be used at different times as part of organisational coaching processes to attract, to select candidates, to develop self and relationships, to build personal and organisational capability and to retain people in your business. Innoxy’s consultancy and coaching approach combine to deliver improved business performance.